
PSA Part 2...

The more I thought about what I was going to write about, the more I started to get a little nervous I might upset somebody. If I try to make this all politically correct all the time, eventually I'll end up getting bored with it...long after all of you have. In light of that - I promise, nothing I write is ever intentionally meant to hurt anyone...

While I want to generally keep this as an extended stats update with news about whats going on with me, lets face it, that is pretty boring. Like many to all of you, we wake up, go to work all day long, come home, eat dinner, (If you're like Mr. Engineer, you pour a tall one out of your kegerator - which by the way, TOTALLY jealous), watch some TV, go to bed, rinse, wash, repeat.

I won't get into politics too much, and fortunately the election is over so it should be calm for a while. I will, however, attempt to make interesting observations or flat out comment about stuff. For example, American Idol...that's probably all I really have to say. Other than the fact that Fox should get a clue and cancel it like they did prison break. Outside of the few funny, obviously horrible tryouts, it's the same thing over and over again. Nothing new, nothing special - as much as I love House, they both have started to wear out their welcome. What shows do you guys all want to see canceled?

Back on topic - many of you probably do not know that I have started the process to go to law school. Those of you hearing this for the first time, I will pause while you finish laughing. I don't have a lot of information right now, other than I have sent my law school applications into a few schools. Those would be UC, UD, OSU and Santa Clara. Santa Clara?? Ohio School, Ohio School, Ohio School, California School.....that stands out worse than a black guy at a McCain rally - damn, I said no polics.... Yea, it is in the heart of Silicon Valley and they have a GREAT Intellectual Property/Information Technology Law/Patent law program - right up my alley and exactly what I am looking for. I kind of have an idea which universities will accept me and which ones won't, but as of right now I am hopeful.

Anyway, I see Mr. Army has already done his best to make fun of me, haha - He needs to remember I will have the whole floor and the entire attention at his wedding...

Until next time head on over and watch probably the BEST series EVAR....

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