
Post One....Welcome Message and a PSA

Wow - so what a start this is. I am, admittedly, not the greatest writer in the world - and while that is a certain downfall which might prove difficult to continue to follow this blog, I'd like to think I can salvage it with a bit of humor.

Admittedly, I am also not that funny...So what I have working for me is a blog that has no real content, a terrible writer/publisher, and something that isn't funny...Why am I doing this? haha

Anyway, to the people who read this - purposely, this will be a little on the private side. I have only given this site out to specific people on purpose - although, beware, it is a public site that can be searched on google or whatever. If anything, this is merely a way to keep in touch with the people I care about. I feel unfortunate that we all have moved on other places - on the other hand, there is the internet - and with hoards of people getting internet on the phone and whatever else, keeping in touch can be an easier task. If/when I hang out with some of you guys I might talk about it - names will be changed, events and locations will be conveniently left out - so no need to be completely embarrassed. I will post pictures, but mostly of the stuff I take with my camera - like sunsets, cars, or things I find interesting.

I am not sure of the frequency of updates - I also cannot gaurentee correct speling or grammer; Sentence structures and prepositions and run-on-sentences and misuse of not only the semicolon but also misuse of the dash and most likely completely void of punctuation and or commas may be present. But I will NEVER forget the period

If nobody reads this on a consistent basis, I am fine with that - check back every now and again. Either way, I'd like to say hello to everyone. I will read the comments - haha, if there ever are any, so if you have something to say - by all means, rock it!

Ok - one quick edit...This is a bit of a "beta" or an experiment, if you will - but by all means, actively participate in the comments section, or by email, or text message, or whatever - more input and conversation from all of you, the better!! If any of you have your own blog or something, let me know. Mr.Industrial Designer, you seem to be the news most recently - send me links or some story or whatever and I will gladly post them up. I want everyone to have fun and enjoy this - so as of right now, nothing is out of the question (and by nothing, I really mean nothing that is illegal - haha).

1 comment:

  1. this site sucks.....why were you born??

    booyah..first comment
