
Jeans @ Work

Ok - this cracks me up. Companies - most that are considered "corporate" - or at least ones that adhere to that "lifestyle", usually have the "you can wear jeans on Friday" BS. What really cracks me up, is when these companies have promotions that allow you to wear jeans ALL WEEK LONG! And they advertise it like that - the catch is, you have to "donate" some random sum of money - usually on the order of around $10.

This cracks me up for two reasons - 1) That companies think they are really giving the employee a chance at making their horrible job better by "allowing" them to wear jeans. Let's face it, unless you give every employee a 5% raise + 2.5% bonus, nobody is really "happy" at work. Nearly everyone knows they can do a better job than the person above them, and nearly everyone isn't getting paid nearly enough (or getting nearly enough "good", "worthwhile" benefits) for the work they are worth. Allowing them to pay money to be able to wear jeans isn't really going to make a difference! Honestly, with CEOs and other "high ranking" officials bringing home salaries in the 7+ figures, along with bonuses that are 6 figures - there isn't a thing on this earth YOU can "allow" me to wear, that is going to make me feel any better...LOL - you keep your promotions, I'll keep my money, and stick with khakis.
2) And the second reason, is that employees put up with the dress code! Look, I'm not about to make a stand - I don't have the authority, singularly, and I am also not in the position to do that as a contractor. But realize that 98% of a company is filled with drones. The drones do all the work. From HR to IT and everything in between - we do all the work that makes a business work. The other 2% are the high level employees, or sales people. These 2% should have a dress code - they are client facing! They bring in new business, so they should look nice. The rest of us who have to implement the products you are selling, don't need to get all fancy to do their jobs! I have a few friends who are in the design industry - be it designing new products, or designing fashion items, or designing for ad agencies - and their dress code? Don't show up naked! LOL - ok, so it might not be that relaxed - but they don't need to wear a collared button up shirt and khakis. Now, some of them do, because they like the look - that is fine, ultimately though, it is their choice. They enjoy the work environment better, I'm positive, than the rest of us who are forced to wear some BS. It doesn't matter - I can't really make a difference - but I wish companies would either let the whole dress code thing go - or stop toying with their employees and treat them like humans...

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