
Well, Duh is My Response


Take a quick gander at that article. The Reader's Digest version: An overwhelming majority of employees are looking to do something different.

I personally know around 10 friends who are in this EXACT same boat. We've stuck it out (and will continue to do so) at our current positions, but that isn't going to last forever. I, personally, am not actively searching - for the time being, I am ok where I am working. That doesn't mean anything.

There have been too many, what I will call, "eye-awakening-moments" in the past few years, that my friends and I have noticed. Usually, quiet, on our own moments - but something that just adds to the list of ever growing "grievances" in this American work-way-of-life. I've heard too many stories from friends who ALL.....ALL have the same experiences and feel the same way.

Some of the older crowd who reads this may think, it's just a Gen X/Y/Z (whatever) thing. NOT TRUE! Company loyalty means nothing anymore. My parents generation is a different story, however, that isn't always true - and for that matter, it shouldn't be true. Let's face it, unless you are given the money you think you deserve, work 35 hours a week with no specified mandatory work times, get all benefits paid, and haven't seen your 401K turn into a 201 or 101K (which, is probably nobody, lol) - nobody in this economy is or should be loyal to anyone. Period.

What is interesting, or what will be interesting, is to see what happens as a result of articles like this coming out. What will employers do, if anything, to make this change? Furthermore, what will employees do to make this survey come to fruition? If nothing changes on either side - well, then I can see that we ALL are going to be in for a very long few years - economically, socially, healthy....

Here's to new beginnings!

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