
UD Law

Got my first acceptance!

It was a pretty short email, seemed to be a little bit copy/paste for all the other acceptances they hand out - so I don't really have a whole bunch of information. Within the next week or so I should be getting a more informative packet in the mail from them. I'm also hoping I get some money from them - cause at about $34,000/year - not including living expenses (which is something that will need to be figured out - commute from here is like 1.5 hours each way, or live with the parents, AGAIN, and have it be like 35 minute commute each way - and never see the fiance), not including books, etc etc....Kind of a tough pill to swallow....Anyway, getting about 10,000/year would make it a little easier on the loan application...And eventually paying it all back...figure at BEST $24,000 x 3(years) = $72,000 in loans...at worst were looking at around $150,000 - this include paying my half of the bills we currently have and car payments, and blah blah blah....

I'm like that kid from the movie 21, except not nearly as smart, I don't live in Boston, I'm not going to vegas to make money, I'm not currently enrolled at freaking M.I.T, I'm not applying to Harvard Med....So actually, what I'm really trying to say is, I'm nothing like that kid from the movie 21...horrible analogy on my part...

Oh well, for now, its celebrating - I guess we can work out the finances and logistics later on!

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