
Loose Brain Using People Hurt My Brain

I thought the original idea of a congressman/senator in a democratic society was to be "the voice of the people" - insomuch that they do not have an opinion, in a professional manner, and thus, should not express those concerns when openly representing a district/state!

WHY then, are so many loose-brain-using people in the government making it a personal stance? Shouldn’t they, as it was meant to be, be the voice - but more importantly, listen to the people, instead of blinding rejecting something they personally believe in, or have an agenda towards?

I guess it doesn’t work that way anymore...too many of our government leaders and officials only hear what they want to hear, only believe what they want to believe, regardless of the people say. I say boo to everyone in the government who has failed to recognize this and push their own agenda - when clearly, we the people pay their salary, and we the people decide what is best. Not some has-been congressman from Idaho or some out of touch 80 year old senator from New Mexico...both sides have done wrong, and unfortunately, we are left with the likes of news media to exploit the people - and not the creators of this 'new age politics' – the politicians.

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