First off...
Karl Rove - you hypocritical asshole...go tell President Bush what to do next...
In case you all have missed it - Karl Rove got his second, SECOND divorce! Now, why does this matter at all? Well, ultimately, it doesn't. I really could not care any less about politicians - all of them - but I do feel the need to call out a d-bag when I see one (and for the record, yes, sometimes I am a d-bag). Nonetheless, his second divorce (and the first one for that matter) is hilarious because he is one of the BIGGEST supporters of what Washington (and Christians) call a "Traditional Marriage".
And by "Traditional Marriage", I really mean gay marriage. Yup, were going there again. So, were going to pass laws that say gay marriage is illegal, because it isn't traditional, however, were going to allow divorce...Hmmmm....
I seriously hope people realize how messed up this really is!?!?! You can't get all moral on us and enforce your morals, if you don't even stick to them. Let's face it, traditionally marriage was and is supposed to last "until death do us part", remember that in the vows? I'm not even married yet and I know this. Well, guess what all you divorcees out there (and yea, I'm talking to you Mr. Rove) - you don't even have a traditional marriage. Sure, divorce now days is common place, and we get it - but stop trying to preach to us it's still traditional, because, it isn't - especially if you're going to pull the religion card, hypocrite.
Seriously, He's willing to limit other people's marriage choices on his moral grounds, but not their own. That's the very permissive, untraditional and un-Christian law that Rove just exploited in order to obtain his divorce.
Sanctity of marriage, huh - good one Karl! Maybe it really is the sanctity of divorce...
Same-Sex Marriage
Who cares, right? Who cares what other people do in their own time? Private life is just that - PRIVATE!
Look, I understand the church, and most religions declare homosexuality, and by extension, same-sex marriages to be a sin. And strictly from that standpoint, and ONLY that standpoint does this whole same-sex marriage thing have any weight.
HOWEVER, we are talking about a federal/state recognition of the "institution" of marriage. Let's face it, I can go to the courthouse right now, finding any woman on the street who is willing, able, and for that matter, wants to and get married. End of discussion. We are now married. It's going to cost us for the marriage license, and then subsequently a few lawyers to annul it or to finalize the divorce. No where in the process does it involve any religious intervention. There was no priest present, no pastor, no cardinal, no pope - just someone who was granted the power by the state government to legally wed. Marriage in this country is only recognized by the state and government as a legal thing. Notice, again, no mention what-so-ever of religious undertones.
Our country was not founded or based at all on any specific religion, or any religion at all. If you remember, the whole reason we took off and left was BECAUSE of the religion and government. So why does religion have any influence in our laws?? Especially the ones that do not harm anyone? If a man wants to marry another man, and again, I get it, religion says it is a sin, and other people might find it weird or gross or whatever, it does not affect you - or me for that matter! It doesn't affect you, it doesn't influence you (be honest, your view/opinion of "them" is already made up - being married, or not married, doesn't change ANYTHING). What are people so scared of? The legality of 2 men or 2 women marrying each other isn't going to instantly turn straight people gay and gay people the end, as I've been saying throughout this entire post, it's just a matter of LEGALITY...and taxes!
If you're going to hate or judge someone for their own choices, well...hmmmmmm...HOWEVER, marriage in this country is a legal issue - not a religious seriously people - let the fighting over a legal issue go. And seriously, read the constitution, read what the founding fathers believed and where this country should go. For what it's worth, many of them held their beliefs in deism and Free masonry. Remember separation of church and state?!?! It's that little thing that says the church should stay out of the affairs of government, and rightly so. It also says government should stay out of the affairs of church, and rightly so!
Look, I understand the church, and most religions declare homosexuality, and by extension, same-sex marriages to be a sin. And strictly from that standpoint, and ONLY that standpoint does this whole same-sex marriage thing have any weight.
HOWEVER, we are talking about a federal/state recognition of the "institution" of marriage. Let's face it, I can go to the courthouse right now, finding any woman on the street who is willing, able, and for that matter, wants to and get married. End of discussion. We are now married. It's going to cost us for the marriage license, and then subsequently a few lawyers to annul it or to finalize the divorce. No where in the process does it involve any religious intervention. There was no priest present, no pastor, no cardinal, no pope - just someone who was granted the power by the state government to legally wed. Marriage in this country is only recognized by the state and government as a legal thing. Notice, again, no mention what-so-ever of religious undertones.
Our country was not founded or based at all on any specific religion, or any religion at all. If you remember, the whole reason we took off and left was BECAUSE of the religion and government. So why does religion have any influence in our laws?? Especially the ones that do not harm anyone? If a man wants to marry another man, and again, I get it, religion says it is a sin, and other people might find it weird or gross or whatever, it does not affect you - or me for that matter! It doesn't affect you, it doesn't influence you (be honest, your view/opinion of "them" is already made up - being married, or not married, doesn't change ANYTHING). What are people so scared of? The legality of 2 men or 2 women marrying each other isn't going to instantly turn straight people gay and gay people the end, as I've been saying throughout this entire post, it's just a matter of LEGALITY...and taxes!
If you're going to hate or judge someone for their own choices, well...hmmmmmm...HOWEVER, marriage in this country is a legal issue - not a religious seriously people - let the fighting over a legal issue go. And seriously, read the constitution, read what the founding fathers believed and where this country should go. For what it's worth, many of them held their beliefs in deism and Free masonry. Remember separation of church and state?!?! It's that little thing that says the church should stay out of the affairs of government, and rightly so. It also says government should stay out of the affairs of church, and rightly so!
And This is What is Wrong...
With the American work force...or American way of thinking...
For whatever reason, work 50+ hour work weeks is standard practice here in the good ol America. Unfortunately, it has most people stressed beyond belief, far too overweight, unhappy in nearly all aspects of their life, and generally, couldn't care less about anything.
But here is the kicker - sick people at work. The same assholes who "pride" themselves in working way too fucking much, are the same douche bags who come into the office and get EVERYONE else sick. Which all the news stories of H1N1 this and flu season that, why do they feel the need to come into work?
I have the "added" pleasure of being in 1 room with about 25 or so odd people, sitting elbow to elbow (makes you want to work here, right?). So then, roughly 1/4 of the room is sick...25%!! I cannot overemphasize that enough! Regardless, the same people who come in here on their weekends because they feel the need to work "extra" hard, are the same ones in here trying to be a fucking hero and work through their "illness"...
Someone asked "If you get the whole team sick, it won't make the project more successful and, in turn, will make the team less efficient". The response you ask? "Oh, I'll be OK".
Seriously, if you're going to drag us all into a room with absolutely ZERO privacy, with ZERO opportunity to just relax and get away from it all, with ZERO chance of enjoying the work environment, the LEAST you can do is keep your sick self home!
I would GLADLY work from home, but again, the "powers that be" didn't provide me with a work laptop, so for me to get my stuff done, that's right - I gotta sit in this cesspool of germs, while the sick people hack, sneeze, click their throats, force open their clogged nose (with no tissue, of course) right in my face, in the stale air that WE ALL BREATHE....
Oh yea, the hand sanitizer, Kleenexes, and disinfectant wipes - yea, NONE of those are being used by the sick people....figures
For whatever reason, work 50+ hour work weeks is standard practice here in the good ol America. Unfortunately, it has most people stressed beyond belief, far too overweight, unhappy in nearly all aspects of their life, and generally, couldn't care less about anything.
But here is the kicker - sick people at work. The same assholes who "pride" themselves in working way too fucking much, are the same douche bags who come into the office and get EVERYONE else sick. Which all the news stories of H1N1 this and flu season that, why do they feel the need to come into work?
I have the "added" pleasure of being in 1 room with about 25 or so odd people, sitting elbow to elbow (makes you want to work here, right?). So then, roughly 1/4 of the room is sick...25%!! I cannot overemphasize that enough! Regardless, the same people who come in here on their weekends because they feel the need to work "extra" hard, are the same ones in here trying to be a fucking hero and work through their "illness"...
Someone asked "If you get the whole team sick, it won't make the project more successful and, in turn, will make the team less efficient". The response you ask? "Oh, I'll be OK".
Seriously, if you're going to drag us all into a room with absolutely ZERO privacy, with ZERO opportunity to just relax and get away from it all, with ZERO chance of enjoying the work environment, the LEAST you can do is keep your sick self home!
I would GLADLY work from home, but again, the "powers that be" didn't provide me with a work laptop, so for me to get my stuff done, that's right - I gotta sit in this cesspool of germs, while the sick people hack, sneeze, click their throats, force open their clogged nose (with no tissue, of course) right in my face, in the stale air that WE ALL BREATHE....
Oh yea, the hand sanitizer, Kleenexes, and disinfectant wipes - yea, NONE of those are being used by the sick people....figures
Obama had nothing to do with the Olympics and the CITY OF CHICAGO NOT GETTING THE BID!!!
Well, Duh is My Response
Take a quick gander at that article. The Reader's Digest version: An overwhelming majority of employees are looking to do something different.
I personally know around 10 friends who are in this EXACT same boat. We've stuck it out (and will continue to do so) at our current positions, but that isn't going to last forever. I, personally, am not actively searching - for the time being, I am ok where I am working. That doesn't mean anything.
There have been too many, what I will call, "eye-awakening-moments" in the past few years, that my friends and I have noticed. Usually, quiet, on our own moments - but something that just adds to the list of ever growing "grievances" in this American work-way-of-life. I've heard too many stories from friends who ALL.....ALL have the same experiences and feel the same way.
Some of the older crowd who reads this may think, it's just a Gen X/Y/Z (whatever) thing. NOT TRUE! Company loyalty means nothing anymore. My parents generation is a different story, however, that isn't always true - and for that matter, it shouldn't be true. Let's face it, unless you are given the money you think you deserve, work 35 hours a week with no specified mandatory work times, get all benefits paid, and haven't seen your 401K turn into a 201 or 101K (which, is probably nobody, lol) - nobody in this economy is or should be loyal to anyone. Period.
What is interesting, or what will be interesting, is to see what happens as a result of articles like this coming out. What will employers do, if anything, to make this change? Furthermore, what will employees do to make this survey come to fruition? If nothing changes on either side - well, then I can see that we ALL are going to be in for a very long few years - economically, socially, healthy....
Here's to new beginnings!
Take a quick gander at that article. The Reader's Digest version: An overwhelming majority of employees are looking to do something different.
I personally know around 10 friends who are in this EXACT same boat. We've stuck it out (and will continue to do so) at our current positions, but that isn't going to last forever. I, personally, am not actively searching - for the time being, I am ok where I am working. That doesn't mean anything.
There have been too many, what I will call, "eye-awakening-moments" in the past few years, that my friends and I have noticed. Usually, quiet, on our own moments - but something that just adds to the list of ever growing "grievances" in this American work-way-of-life. I've heard too many stories from friends who ALL.....ALL have the same experiences and feel the same way.
Some of the older crowd who reads this may think, it's just a Gen X/Y/Z (whatever) thing. NOT TRUE! Company loyalty means nothing anymore. My parents generation is a different story, however, that isn't always true - and for that matter, it shouldn't be true. Let's face it, unless you are given the money you think you deserve, work 35 hours a week with no specified mandatory work times, get all benefits paid, and haven't seen your 401K turn into a 201 or 101K (which, is probably nobody, lol) - nobody in this economy is or should be loyal to anyone. Period.
What is interesting, or what will be interesting, is to see what happens as a result of articles like this coming out. What will employers do, if anything, to make this change? Furthermore, what will employees do to make this survey come to fruition? If nothing changes on either side - well, then I can see that we ALL are going to be in for a very long few years - economically, socially, healthy....
Here's to new beginnings!
Loose Brain Using People Hurt My Brain
I thought the original idea of a congressman/senator in a democratic society was to be "the voice of the people" - insomuch that they do not have an opinion, in a professional manner, and thus, should not express those concerns when openly representing a district/state!
WHY then, are so many loose-brain-using people in the government making it a personal stance? Shouldn’t they, as it was meant to be, be the voice - but more importantly, listen to the people, instead of blinding rejecting something they personally believe in, or have an agenda towards?
I guess it doesn’t work that way anymore...too many of our government leaders and officials only hear what they want to hear, only believe what they want to believe, regardless of the people say. I say boo to everyone in the government who has failed to recognize this and push their own agenda - when clearly, we the people pay their salary, and we the people decide what is best. Not some has-been congressman from Idaho or some out of touch 80 year old senator from New Mexico...both sides have done wrong, and unfortunately, we are left with the likes of news media to exploit the people - and not the creators of this 'new age politics' – the politicians.
WHY then, are so many loose-brain-using people in the government making it a personal stance? Shouldn’t they, as it was meant to be, be the voice - but more importantly, listen to the people, instead of blinding rejecting something they personally believe in, or have an agenda towards?
I guess it doesn’t work that way anymore...too many of our government leaders and officials only hear what they want to hear, only believe what they want to believe, regardless of the people say. I say boo to everyone in the government who has failed to recognize this and push their own agenda - when clearly, we the people pay their salary, and we the people decide what is best. Not some has-been congressman from Idaho or some out of touch 80 year old senator from New Mexico...both sides have done wrong, and unfortunately, we are left with the likes of news media to exploit the people - and not the creators of this 'new age politics' – the politicians.
A copy/paste job from something I saw earlier
This doesn't specifically advocate 1 way or the other people....Instead, it merely should act as an eye opener...
This morning I was awoken by my alarm clock powered by electricity generated by the public power monopoly regulated by the U.S. Department of Energy.
I then took a shower in the clean water provided by a municipal water utility.
After that, I turned on the TV to one of the FCC-regulated channels to see what the National Weather Service of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration determined the weather was going to be like, using satellites designed, built, and launched by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
I watched this while eating my breakfast of U.S. Department of Agriculture-inspected food and taking the drugs which have been determined as safe by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
At the appropriate time, as regulated by the U.S. Congress and kept accurate by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the U.S. Naval Observatory, I get into my National Highway Traffic Safety Administration-approved automobile and set out to work on the roads build by the local, state, and federal Departments of Transportation, possibly stopping to purchase additional fuel of a quality level
determined by the Environmental Protection Agency, using legal tender issued by the Federal Reserve Bank.
On the way out the door I deposit any mail I have to be sent out via the U.S. Postal Service and drop the kids off at the public school.
After spending another day not being maimed or killed at work thanks to the workplace regulations imposed by the Department of Labor and the Occupational Safety and Health administration, enjoying another two meals which again do not kill me because of the USDA, I drive my NHTSA car back home on the DOT roads, to my house which has not burned down in my absence because of the state and local building codes and Fire Marshal's inspection, and which has not been plundered of all its
valuables thanks to the local police department.
And then I log on to the internet -- which was developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration -- and post on and Fox News forums about how SOCIALISM in medicine is BAD because the government can't do anything right.
This morning I was awoken by my alarm clock powered by electricity generated by the public power monopoly regulated by the U.S. Department of Energy.
I then took a shower in the clean water provided by a municipal water utility.
After that, I turned on the TV to one of the FCC-regulated channels to see what the National Weather Service of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration determined the weather was going to be like, using satellites designed, built, and launched by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
I watched this while eating my breakfast of U.S. Department of Agriculture-inspected food and taking the drugs which have been determined as safe by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
At the appropriate time, as regulated by the U.S. Congress and kept accurate by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the U.S. Naval Observatory, I get into my National Highway Traffic Safety Administration-approved automobile and set out to work on the roads build by the local, state, and federal Departments of Transportation, possibly stopping to purchase additional fuel of a quality level
determined by the Environmental Protection Agency, using legal tender issued by the Federal Reserve Bank.
On the way out the door I deposit any mail I have to be sent out via the U.S. Postal Service and drop the kids off at the public school.
After spending another day not being maimed or killed at work thanks to the workplace regulations imposed by the Department of Labor and the Occupational Safety and Health administration, enjoying another two meals which again do not kill me because of the USDA, I drive my NHTSA car back home on the DOT roads, to my house which has not burned down in my absence because of the state and local building codes and Fire Marshal's inspection, and which has not been plundered of all its
valuables thanks to the local police department.
And then I log on to the internet -- which was developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration -- and post on and Fox News forums about how SOCIALISM in medicine is BAD because the government can't do anything right.
Been a while!
Hello Everybody!
Been a super busy summer...and it is starting to wrap up.
We were in California for about a week for the bro's graduation party! Visited with family, took some pretty pictures, saw the beach - the usual fun stuff!
Came home - saw a thriller game of USC vs OSU!
We got Mr.Industrial Engineer and Alex "Marzipan"s wedding this weekend, the fiancees sister wedding the weekend after...then, finally, a break!
While in Cali, we walked over to watch the final mile of the Disneyland 1/2 Marathon - and, SURPRISE, it got me wanting to start running again - and the fiancee! So, over we head to the running store, $300 later, we are all ready to start our training program!
Oh well - a formal thank you to family and friends for hosting us, feeding, entertaining us and the hospitality! I know the girlfriends and fiancees had a great time and did not want to leave :)
Been a super busy summer...and it is starting to wrap up.
We were in California for about a week for the bro's graduation party! Visited with family, took some pretty pictures, saw the beach - the usual fun stuff!
Came home - saw a thriller game of USC vs OSU!
We got Mr.Industrial Engineer and Alex "Marzipan"s wedding this weekend, the fiancees sister wedding the weekend after...then, finally, a break!
While in Cali, we walked over to watch the final mile of the Disneyland 1/2 Marathon - and, SURPRISE, it got me wanting to start running again - and the fiancee! So, over we head to the running store, $300 later, we are all ready to start our training program!
Oh well - a formal thank you to family and friends for hosting us, feeding, entertaining us and the hospitality! I know the girlfriends and fiancees had a great time and did not want to leave :)
Health Care Reform?
Ok - so I'll start this off with full disclosure - I don't know HOW I feel about Obama's health care plan... I don't fully know it all, and for the most part, I feel like neither does Obama nor his administration. They have an idea and want to move forward with it - but they can't quite figure out how to pay for it. I do think it's a little unfair if he ends up taxing the rich to pay for it. It probably has a lot to do with the fact I also do not fully understand his rationale for taxing the rich to pay for it. They made their money if they don't want to be all Robin Hood-ish, why should the government force them? On the other hand - there could be a whole side to the argument I've never been exposed to, or don't understand that does explain why or how we should be taxing the rich...Nonetheless - because I don't know much about the plan - and it seems he doesn't either - I am feeling just an overall sense of wait-and-see mentality.
However, one of the issues that really is just freaking absurd - is the way people are ACTING at these town hall meetings. I actually saw a news clip where some scared-white-man-of-the-black-man got up and yelled "I don't want your government hands in my medicare!" - REALLY?!?!!? Some guy actually yelled he doesn't want the government in a government program! Maybe a good majority of Americans really are getting dumb and dumber. Maybe they really just hate black people. Maybe they refuse to even listen to a different point of view because they disagree with people just on principle - i.e they are white republicans - "he" is a black democrat....
Ultimately - I just don't get it. Faux news, all the r-tards that make up that show create these lies - which naive people believe. Then, they go to the town halls and sound like the most uneducated, fear-mongering bigots. I don't know HOW MANY times I've heard Obama and the rest of his administration says "There are no 'Death Panels' - and if you like what you have, you can keep it - and we are not going to discontinue your current health care". They must have reiterated that point 1000 times! And you know, these scared people at these town hall meetings don't listen to the words The President has spoken - they only listen to the likes of O'Reilly, Hannity, Glenn Beck, and our beloved genius of all time - Sarah Palin. How much sense does that make? They don't actually read the plan, they don't actually listen to the man who is creating the plan - they merely listen other idiots on TV! ON TV!!!
What ever happened to reading? What ever happened to doing your own research? I guess that would take effort - and too many people are content with being spoon fed answers and solutions - too many people are content with taking the easy way out. This issue with some Americans goes WAY beyond simple politics - look at religion as an example...
Anyway - like I said, I don't know how I feel about the health care plan - and neither do most people. I want to hear where Obama can openly speak about the plan without being interrupted by some moron who doesn't know the plan either. I want Obama to be able to talk about it - give specifics and explain what he would like to do. THEN, we can have an (and after we have listened) intelligent conversation about it - not simply yelling out dumb things. Until then - I say all idiots going to a town hall meeting who have only listened to Faux news - stay home! - you aren't helping your cause, you aren't an informed voter, you're just making noise because you don't understand either...
However, one of the issues that really is just freaking absurd - is the way people are ACTING at these town hall meetings. I actually saw a news clip where some scared-white-man-of-the-black-man got up and yelled "I don't want your government hands in my medicare!" - REALLY?!?!!? Some guy actually yelled he doesn't want the government in a government program! Maybe a good majority of Americans really are getting dumb and dumber. Maybe they really just hate black people. Maybe they refuse to even listen to a different point of view because they disagree with people just on principle - i.e they are white republicans - "he" is a black democrat....
Ultimately - I just don't get it. Faux news, all the r-tards that make up that show create these lies - which naive people believe. Then, they go to the town halls and sound like the most uneducated, fear-mongering bigots. I don't know HOW MANY times I've heard Obama and the rest of his administration says "There are no 'Death Panels' - and if you like what you have, you can keep it - and we are not going to discontinue your current health care". They must have reiterated that point 1000 times! And you know, these scared people at these town hall meetings don't listen to the words The President has spoken - they only listen to the likes of O'Reilly, Hannity, Glenn Beck, and our beloved genius of all time - Sarah Palin. How much sense does that make? They don't actually read the plan, they don't actually listen to the man who is creating the plan - they merely listen other idiots on TV! ON TV!!!
What ever happened to reading? What ever happened to doing your own research? I guess that would take effort - and too many people are content with being spoon fed answers and solutions - too many people are content with taking the easy way out. This issue with some Americans goes WAY beyond simple politics - look at religion as an example...
Anyway - like I said, I don't know how I feel about the health care plan - and neither do most people. I want to hear where Obama can openly speak about the plan without being interrupted by some moron who doesn't know the plan either. I want Obama to be able to talk about it - give specifics and explain what he would like to do. THEN, we can have an (and after we have listened) intelligent conversation about it - not simply yelling out dumb things. Until then - I say all idiots going to a town hall meeting who have only listened to Faux news - stay home! - you aren't helping your cause, you aren't an informed voter, you're just making noise because you don't understand either...
Jeans @ Work
Ok - this cracks me up. Companies - most that are considered "corporate" - or at least ones that adhere to that "lifestyle", usually have the "you can wear jeans on Friday" BS. What really cracks me up, is when these companies have promotions that allow you to wear jeans ALL WEEK LONG! And they advertise it like that - the catch is, you have to "donate" some random sum of money - usually on the order of around $10.
This cracks me up for two reasons - 1) That companies think they are really giving the employee a chance at making their horrible job better by "allowing" them to wear jeans. Let's face it, unless you give every employee a 5% raise + 2.5% bonus, nobody is really "happy" at work. Nearly everyone knows they can do a better job than the person above them, and nearly everyone isn't getting paid nearly enough (or getting nearly enough "good", "worthwhile" benefits) for the work they are worth. Allowing them to pay money to be able to wear jeans isn't really going to make a difference! Honestly, with CEOs and other "high ranking" officials bringing home salaries in the 7+ figures, along with bonuses that are 6 figures - there isn't a thing on this earth YOU can "allow" me to wear, that is going to make me feel any better...LOL - you keep your promotions, I'll keep my money, and stick with khakis.
2) And the second reason, is that employees put up with the dress code! Look, I'm not about to make a stand - I don't have the authority, singularly, and I am also not in the position to do that as a contractor. But realize that 98% of a company is filled with drones. The drones do all the work. From HR to IT and everything in between - we do all the work that makes a business work. The other 2% are the high level employees, or sales people. These 2% should have a dress code - they are client facing! They bring in new business, so they should look nice. The rest of us who have to implement the products you are selling, don't need to get all fancy to do their jobs! I have a few friends who are in the design industry - be it designing new products, or designing fashion items, or designing for ad agencies - and their dress code? Don't show up naked! LOL - ok, so it might not be that relaxed - but they don't need to wear a collared button up shirt and khakis. Now, some of them do, because they like the look - that is fine, ultimately though, it is their choice. They enjoy the work environment better, I'm positive, than the rest of us who are forced to wear some BS. It doesn't matter - I can't really make a difference - but I wish companies would either let the whole dress code thing go - or stop toying with their employees and treat them like humans...
This cracks me up for two reasons - 1) That companies think they are really giving the employee a chance at making their horrible job better by "allowing" them to wear jeans. Let's face it, unless you give every employee a 5% raise + 2.5% bonus, nobody is really "happy" at work. Nearly everyone knows they can do a better job than the person above them, and nearly everyone isn't getting paid nearly enough (or getting nearly enough "good", "worthwhile" benefits) for the work they are worth. Allowing them to pay money to be able to wear jeans isn't really going to make a difference! Honestly, with CEOs and other "high ranking" officials bringing home salaries in the 7+ figures, along with bonuses that are 6 figures - there isn't a thing on this earth YOU can "allow" me to wear, that is going to make me feel any better...LOL - you keep your promotions, I'll keep my money, and stick with khakis.
2) And the second reason, is that employees put up with the dress code! Look, I'm not about to make a stand - I don't have the authority, singularly, and I am also not in the position to do that as a contractor. But realize that 98% of a company is filled with drones. The drones do all the work. From HR to IT and everything in between - we do all the work that makes a business work. The other 2% are the high level employees, or sales people. These 2% should have a dress code - they are client facing! They bring in new business, so they should look nice. The rest of us who have to implement the products you are selling, don't need to get all fancy to do their jobs! I have a few friends who are in the design industry - be it designing new products, or designing fashion items, or designing for ad agencies - and their dress code? Don't show up naked! LOL - ok, so it might not be that relaxed - but they don't need to wear a collared button up shirt and khakis. Now, some of them do, because they like the look - that is fine, ultimately though, it is their choice. They enjoy the work environment better, I'm positive, than the rest of us who are forced to wear some BS. It doesn't matter - I can't really make a difference - but I wish companies would either let the whole dress code thing go - or stop toying with their employees and treat them like humans...
New Lens!
So - I bought a new lens the other day and it showed up yesterday! I ended up getting a Canon 50mm f1.4!
I have not had a whole lot of time to play with it or take any super nice pictures - at least any keepers - but oh man is it a nice lens! The 1.4 side of things is absolutely insane. The depth of field is so shallow...which has acted, sometimes, as a bad thing. It is so shallow (how shallow is it?) that when taking a portrait - one eye is in focus, and the other eye isn't! Haha, that isn't the most practical way of taking portraits - probably need to dial it up to 2.0 or something - but it is quite nice. I took it into a dark hallway just to see how it performed in low light conditions - amazing. Set it at 1.4, the shutter speed to around 1/50 sec - and iso a cool 200 - picture looked exactly like the conditions I was shooting....Basically, I can't wait to really start working with this lens - my new favorite for sure!
In a few days, once I get some good pictures and what not, I'll post em up!
I have not had a whole lot of time to play with it or take any super nice pictures - at least any keepers - but oh man is it a nice lens! The 1.4 side of things is absolutely insane. The depth of field is so shallow...which has acted, sometimes, as a bad thing. It is so shallow (how shallow is it?) that when taking a portrait - one eye is in focus, and the other eye isn't! Haha, that isn't the most practical way of taking portraits - probably need to dial it up to 2.0 or something - but it is quite nice. I took it into a dark hallway just to see how it performed in low light conditions - amazing. Set it at 1.4, the shutter speed to around 1/50 sec - and iso a cool 200 - picture looked exactly like the conditions I was shooting....Basically, I can't wait to really start working with this lens - my new favorite for sure!
In a few days, once I get some good pictures and what not, I'll post em up!
Funny Car Situations
Word of warning - these observations by no means may be funny to anyone but me....On that note, I begin..
Ok - funny situation number 1: Anyone who is "attempting" to "work" on their car before, during or after work. This situation does not apply to construction workers, mechanics, or - just about anybody who works with any sort of a tool that is not a computer - so anyone who generally has to dress nice and doesn't get dirty at work. It is hilarious to see co-workers out there adding more oil, coolant, clutch fluid, brake fluid. Why? Let's face it - if you need to do that stuff to your car, you need to just get it fixed! Cars these days don't burn oil like the old days - admittedly I never had an old car that did this - but I've heard the stories! Anyway, inside of engine bays are usually dirty, unless you JUST bought the car - and to see co-workers out there in their pleats and short-sleeved button up collared shirts is just amusing. You and I both know they are going to come back to their desk with a giant black streak across their leg or arm. To get right down to it though - usually these kinds of people really have no clue what they are doing.
Number 2: I might catch a bunch of crap for this one - but so be it...(Generally) Guys who stand around and look at new car engine bays! This is funny for many reasons, but the first - have you actually seen the inside of a new car engine bay? There are so many plastic covering pieces that it makes joan rivers and michael jackson look like minimalists. (I'll be here all week folks - don't forget to tip your waitress) Honestly though, the engines "now-a-days" are so obfuscated with seemingly unnecessary amounts of plastic that no longer does it resemble an engine. So, these self-proclaimed cars guys are now looking a new car engine that, without tools to remove the plastic bits, is just black and silver with the car makers logo! That IS PIMP! I shall take it one step further and say that without any engine modifications done, an engine is an engine is an engine - seen one, you've seen them all. The obvious exception to the rule is any show car (new or old) or any classic car engine. Show cars have stuff done to them, turbos, superchargers, flashy chrome, color coordinated with the rest of the car. Sometimes a show car might really surprise everyone, like a big V12 inside a civic - might be dumb and pointless, but it took a lot of work to make that fit.
And finally, number 3 anyone on the side of the road with car problems who has their hood up. Having car trouble is the absolute worst! Almost everyone has experienced it, and given the choice, I am sure most people would rather sit through a 24 hour viewing session of Bill O'Reilly than have car trouble.....HAHAHA - ok that was too much, I'd still take car trouble. But seriously, car trouble sucks. However, what makes things funny is to have car trouble but be stuck on the side of the road, looking at the engine with no tools. You're not going to fix it - you cant even begin to troubleshoot - what are you doing?!?! Call AAA or a tow truck and take it somewhere. If you're that mechanically inclined and know how to fix it, that's great - but if the tools aren't with you, you just look like a jackass. It's like those same people who try to take pictures in the dark with a point and shoot camera - you don't want to use your flash, but you also don't have a tripod for the 1+ seconds the shutter is open - either way, the picture looks like crap, and your car is still broken.
Have other funny car situations? Post in the comments!
Ok - funny situation number 1: Anyone who is "attempting" to "work" on their car before, during or after work. This situation does not apply to construction workers, mechanics, or - just about anybody who works with any sort of a tool that is not a computer - so anyone who generally has to dress nice and doesn't get dirty at work. It is hilarious to see co-workers out there adding more oil, coolant, clutch fluid, brake fluid. Why? Let's face it - if you need to do that stuff to your car, you need to just get it fixed! Cars these days don't burn oil like the old days - admittedly I never had an old car that did this - but I've heard the stories! Anyway, inside of engine bays are usually dirty, unless you JUST bought the car - and to see co-workers out there in their pleats and short-sleeved button up collared shirts is just amusing. You and I both know they are going to come back to their desk with a giant black streak across their leg or arm. To get right down to it though - usually these kinds of people really have no clue what they are doing.
Number 2: I might catch a bunch of crap for this one - but so be it...(Generally) Guys who stand around and look at new car engine bays! This is funny for many reasons, but the first - have you actually seen the inside of a new car engine bay? There are so many plastic covering pieces that it makes joan rivers and michael jackson look like minimalists. (I'll be here all week folks - don't forget to tip your waitress) Honestly though, the engines "now-a-days" are so obfuscated with seemingly unnecessary amounts of plastic that no longer does it resemble an engine. So, these self-proclaimed cars guys are now looking a new car engine that, without tools to remove the plastic bits, is just black and silver with the car makers logo! That IS PIMP! I shall take it one step further and say that without any engine modifications done, an engine is an engine is an engine - seen one, you've seen them all. The obvious exception to the rule is any show car (new or old) or any classic car engine. Show cars have stuff done to them, turbos, superchargers, flashy chrome, color coordinated with the rest of the car. Sometimes a show car might really surprise everyone, like a big V12 inside a civic - might be dumb and pointless, but it took a lot of work to make that fit.
And finally, number 3 anyone on the side of the road with car problems who has their hood up. Having car trouble is the absolute worst! Almost everyone has experienced it, and given the choice, I am sure most people would rather sit through a 24 hour viewing session of Bill O'Reilly than have car trouble.....HAHAHA - ok that was too much, I'd still take car trouble. But seriously, car trouble sucks. However, what makes things funny is to have car trouble but be stuck on the side of the road, looking at the engine with no tools. You're not going to fix it - you cant even begin to troubleshoot - what are you doing?!?! Call AAA or a tow truck and take it somewhere. If you're that mechanically inclined and know how to fix it, that's great - but if the tools aren't with you, you just look like a jackass. It's like those same people who try to take pictures in the dark with a point and shoot camera - you don't want to use your flash, but you also don't have a tripod for the 1+ seconds the shutter is open - either way, the picture looks like crap, and your car is still broken.
Have other funny car situations? Post in the comments!
I'll get to the camping pictures later...
I'm stuck at a bit of a crossroads...On one hand I love my car...LOVE IT...I also appreciate automobiles, such as Ferrari (and other high end exotics), that have way too much horsepower and get 12mpg...Oh man, they are beautiful, sound amazing and go REALLY fast...
Which is why I have such a hard time coming to grips with the global environment. Things are changing - and at the current rate, for the worse. The fiancee and I were talking the other night and the issue isn't necessarily on the consumer, you and me - the issue deals with law makers and corporations. These guys are the ones with capital that can actually make a difference. I don't have $50 billion sitting around to donate to research, hell, I don't even have $25,000 sitting around to go solar for my condo. (Let's ignore the fact that our completely stupid and boneheaded home owners association would never approve) - The issue is with people afraid of change - and the people who can make a change, not willing or claiming they "can't".
People have always been afraid of change - back from Christianity and Lutherans, the Jews and Muslims having fought for centuries, WWI, WWII (basically ALL wars), slavery, blacks/whites, etc. etc. etc. etc. (I could do the "etc." thing forever here). I'm not trying to make this a religious thing (it's not) - so I'll throw out other examples to lighten the mood for a minute, Bone Thugs n Harmony and 3-6 Mafia? That better? Probably not, Eminem and NSYNC, Backstreet boys, Will Smith, Lethal, Ja Rule, everybody at the source magazine,..well, nearly everybody? Haha - no, that isn't better...United States and...everybody...damn! Tupac and Biggie, OSU and Michigan, USC and UCLA....aaahhh the insanity...
Back on point - people just don't get along - the people and the government can't even find middle ground on ANYTHING! Irrespective of your views on many issues (abortion, church/state separation, education, health care, middle east, energy, gun control, immigration, drugs, tax reform, etc) both groups of people on both sides (or many sides) can never find a working, middle ground solution. Everybody thinks they are entitled to a piece of the pie, but more importantly, the other side is "wrong". This isn't solely a USA thing - this is a human race, as a society, issue. Anyway, what I am getting at is this - the USA alone (any country alone) cannot solve this global environment issue alone. We need coordination and cooperation globally to solve this potential mess. Individual states cannot change the globe - but I do respect state legislature for, quite possibly only on the surface to appease some of their citizens, trying to make changes - you go Cali, you go Colorado!
But what about my H2, or what about my Jeep, or what about ME ME ME ME ME...
There is the issue - we need to stop thinking about "me" and start thinking about "us". I am not immune from this - I, just like everyone, have personal agendas, and don't think outside the box - hell, this post proves just that, but maybe if I can reach a few, you can reach a few, and so it begins. Admittedly, it's a bit of a pipe dream that a stupid blog post can make real change (I know it isn't possible) - but I guess I just had to get this off my chest. To further expand the "me" notion is to look at our government, and large, private corporations. The "me" is still a single conglomerate only looking out for number 1. The government recently spent another $30 billion on bailout money to freaking GM! There is a reason that company blew and is so deep in the hole. Instead of giving that money to a company who doesn't care about really making a change (wow, they have 1 prototype gas/electric car...) they could have given that money to companies to actually develop clean technology or give it GM but tell them they aren't making cars anymore - the same people at GM who used to assemble car parts, can now be used to assemble wind turbines, or solar panels. That money could have been put to use for massive public transportation initiatives in cities that have terrible infrastructure (outside of NY, Boston, Chicago, DC, Portland to name a few) - nearly EVERY city in the USA. The GM workers could go to building new bio-diesel buses, or all electric buses, trains, subways - etc. Or to a bunch of college research departments to figure out Hydrogen energy (or something else totally renewable and clean that hasn't been developed or thought of yet).
These aren't new ideas, many other, smarter people, are hard at work at this issue - but our "leaders" (government officials, business CEOs, law and policy makers) aren't looking out for anyone or anything but the bottom line - money. We can't drill our way out of this problem - it's going to take a new way of thinking and a new way of living - but all it will take is one generation. While the decisions will be hard, and the initial adopters will face some difficult times, this problem can easily be solved within a few years.
One person making a whole bunch of changes does not do a whole lot, but a whole lot of people making small changes does...
WOW - that was longer and a bigger complain-fest than I originally set out to write up - haha, oh was nice to write it all out...
Which is why I have such a hard time coming to grips with the global environment. Things are changing - and at the current rate, for the worse. The fiancee and I were talking the other night and the issue isn't necessarily on the consumer, you and me - the issue deals with law makers and corporations. These guys are the ones with capital that can actually make a difference. I don't have $50 billion sitting around to donate to research, hell, I don't even have $25,000 sitting around to go solar for my condo. (Let's ignore the fact that our completely stupid and boneheaded home owners association would never approve) - The issue is with people afraid of change - and the people who can make a change, not willing or claiming they "can't".
People have always been afraid of change - back from Christianity and Lutherans, the Jews and Muslims having fought for centuries, WWI, WWII (basically ALL wars), slavery, blacks/whites, etc. etc. etc. etc. (I could do the "etc." thing forever here). I'm not trying to make this a religious thing (it's not) - so I'll throw out other examples to lighten the mood for a minute, Bone Thugs n Harmony and 3-6 Mafia? That better? Probably not, Eminem and NSYNC, Backstreet boys, Will Smith, Lethal, Ja Rule, everybody at the source magazine,..well, nearly everybody? Haha - no, that isn't better...United States and...everybody...damn! Tupac and Biggie, OSU and Michigan, USC and UCLA....aaahhh the insanity...
Back on point - people just don't get along - the people and the government can't even find middle ground on ANYTHING! Irrespective of your views on many issues (abortion, church/state separation, education, health care, middle east, energy, gun control, immigration, drugs, tax reform, etc) both groups of people on both sides (or many sides) can never find a working, middle ground solution. Everybody thinks they are entitled to a piece of the pie, but more importantly, the other side is "wrong". This isn't solely a USA thing - this is a human race, as a society, issue. Anyway, what I am getting at is this - the USA alone (any country alone) cannot solve this global environment issue alone. We need coordination and cooperation globally to solve this potential mess. Individual states cannot change the globe - but I do respect state legislature for, quite possibly only on the surface to appease some of their citizens, trying to make changes - you go Cali, you go Colorado!
But what about my H2, or what about my Jeep, or what about ME ME ME ME ME...
There is the issue - we need to stop thinking about "me" and start thinking about "us". I am not immune from this - I, just like everyone, have personal agendas, and don't think outside the box - hell, this post proves just that, but maybe if I can reach a few, you can reach a few, and so it begins. Admittedly, it's a bit of a pipe dream that a stupid blog post can make real change (I know it isn't possible) - but I guess I just had to get this off my chest. To further expand the "me" notion is to look at our government, and large, private corporations. The "me" is still a single conglomerate only looking out for number 1. The government recently spent another $30 billion on bailout money to freaking GM! There is a reason that company blew and is so deep in the hole. Instead of giving that money to a company who doesn't care about really making a change (wow, they have 1 prototype gas/electric car...) they could have given that money to companies to actually develop clean technology or give it GM but tell them they aren't making cars anymore - the same people at GM who used to assemble car parts, can now be used to assemble wind turbines, or solar panels. That money could have been put to use for massive public transportation initiatives in cities that have terrible infrastructure (outside of NY, Boston, Chicago, DC, Portland to name a few) - nearly EVERY city in the USA. The GM workers could go to building new bio-diesel buses, or all electric buses, trains, subways - etc. Or to a bunch of college research departments to figure out Hydrogen energy (or something else totally renewable and clean that hasn't been developed or thought of yet).
These aren't new ideas, many other, smarter people, are hard at work at this issue - but our "leaders" (government officials, business CEOs, law and policy makers) aren't looking out for anyone or anything but the bottom line - money. We can't drill our way out of this problem - it's going to take a new way of thinking and a new way of living - but all it will take is one generation. While the decisions will be hard, and the initial adopters will face some difficult times, this problem can easily be solved within a few years.
One person making a whole bunch of changes does not do a whole lot, but a whole lot of people making small changes does...
WOW - that was longer and a bigger complain-fest than I originally set out to write up - haha, oh was nice to write it all out...
Camping and another BDay...
So this weekend the fiancee and I are off to go camping...We are going to some state park in the middle of nowhere...I have somehow convinced her that we should bring our bikes and go for a ride one of the days!
Anyway, it also is in celebration of her birthday coming up! The big 2-5....that's right, we are 1/2 your age Aunt...LOL
Anyway, it should be a good time, and I'm hoping I get some good pictures to display to everyone. Other than that, this summer is turning out to be super busy - we have Mr. ID and (soon to be Mrs. ID) - but for now I'll nickname her Marzipan - mostly because that is what I think of when I see her last name - haha...anyway, they are getting married in September - so we will have his bachelor party, her bachelorette party, her bridal shower (not that I'm going...), the fiancees sister is getting married - so there is her bachelorette party and her bridal shower (again, things I don't have to go to/worry about), her cousin is getting married, both our siblings are graduating college, were going to Cali to visit a bunch of relatives for - life sure got krayzie...Hey everyone in Cali - you will officially get to meet the fiancee when we are out there for the younger big bro's graduation!
But for now, we will take it slow - as this weekend camping trip might our only break until, well, middle of October......
Anyway, it also is in celebration of her birthday coming up! The big 2-5....that's right, we are 1/2 your age Aunt...LOL
Anyway, it should be a good time, and I'm hoping I get some good pictures to display to everyone. Other than that, this summer is turning out to be super busy - we have Mr. ID and (soon to be Mrs. ID) - but for now I'll nickname her Marzipan - mostly because that is what I think of when I see her last name - haha...anyway, they are getting married in September - so we will have his bachelor party, her bachelorette party, her bridal shower (not that I'm going...), the fiancees sister is getting married - so there is her bachelorette party and her bridal shower (again, things I don't have to go to/worry about), her cousin is getting married, both our siblings are graduating college, were going to Cali to visit a bunch of relatives for - life sure got krayzie...Hey everyone in Cali - you will officially get to meet the fiancee when we are out there for the younger big bro's graduation!
But for now, we will take it slow - as this weekend camping trip might our only break until, well, middle of October......
Back from Turkey...
The fiance got home last night...plane from NY was delayed a little bit, but it wasn't terrible - for me...haha - her 11.5 hour flight, however, was a little better than completely terrible...
She keeps saying how much she "misses me" - I don't even know what that means (kidding)...Ultimately, I guess I did miss her picking everything up, cleaning nearly everything, and giving me back scratches at night...haha - looks like all I do is "take take take", huh? That's probably true...but I did wash her car and fill it up with gas...that's gotta count for something, right?...
I am hoping the weather cooperates this weekend, so hopefully we can put in some good miles on the bike - temps are staying high enough during the night that we can get up early in the morning. However, being out in the middle of no where, with all the trees cut down for corn fields, makes any little amount of wind that much worse...of course, when you are dying for some sort of breeze there is zero wind, 70% humidity, and its 89F...OHIO....yeah
Have a good holiday weekend everyone!
She keeps saying how much she "misses me" - I don't even know what that means (kidding)...Ultimately, I guess I did miss her picking everything up, cleaning nearly everything, and giving me back scratches at night...haha - looks like all I do is "take take take", huh? That's probably true...but I did wash her car and fill it up with gas...that's gotta count for something, right?...
I am hoping the weather cooperates this weekend, so hopefully we can put in some good miles on the bike - temps are staying high enough during the night that we can get up early in the morning. However, being out in the middle of no where, with all the trees cut down for corn fields, makes any little amount of wind that much worse...of course, when you are dying for some sort of breeze there is zero wind, 70% humidity, and its 89F...OHIO....yeah
Have a good holiday weekend everyone!
So, the fiance is off to Turkey for 10 days...
She needs to go over there and show the factory how to do their job...haha, if only it was that easy. Turns out, the company she works for doesn't really do the typical standards/market trends with regards to measurements....and the factory, who has many clients, can't quite get it right.
So, fiance, and a co-worker are heading off there..
Anyway, I am pretty jealous - we looked at plane tickets out there, and it's only $830 for a flight - which I guess wouldn't be terrible, and I get a free place to just started my new contract 6 days ago - I figure I shouldn't be taking vacation days quite yet.
Here is to wishing her a safe and fun trip (albeit she will be "working" - I am sure they will find some good things to do)!
She needs to go over there and show the factory how to do their job...haha, if only it was that easy. Turns out, the company she works for doesn't really do the typical standards/market trends with regards to measurements....and the factory, who has many clients, can't quite get it right.
So, fiance, and a co-worker are heading off there..
Anyway, I am pretty jealous - we looked at plane tickets out there, and it's only $830 for a flight - which I guess wouldn't be terrible, and I get a free place to just started my new contract 6 days ago - I figure I shouldn't be taking vacation days quite yet.
Here is to wishing her a safe and fun trip (albeit she will be "working" - I am sure they will find some good things to do)!
Happy 50th BDAY!!!
This one goes out to my aunt on my mom's side....
It's the Hawaii 5-0...a special one, haha!!!
You have officially become an "old" person - and I am here to share it with the small amount of people that read this!!
It's the Hawaii 5-0...a special one, haha!!!
You have officially become an "old" person - and I am here to share it with the small amount of people that read this!!
To my dear friends...
From the: Making-fun-of-me-again-department...
To all my dear friends who have ever hung out with me after a night at BW3's, or - you know what, to all my friends who have just hung out with me not in a public all have had the honor, at one time or another, to smell what can really come out of a human being...
While it is hilarious to me - many of you hate it...haha - nonetheless, please, PLEASE, do not hate it as much as this guy
punched with a knife by farts...
To all my dear friends who have ever hung out with me after a night at BW3's, or - you know what, to all my friends who have just hung out with me not in a public all have had the honor, at one time or another, to smell what can really come out of a human being...
While it is hilarious to me - many of you hate it...haha - nonetheless, please, PLEASE, do not hate it as much as this guy
punched with a knife by farts...
Shout out to all my LEFTIES!!!
So normally, I wouldn't post something like this - but at the same time, I am all about making fun of myself....
However, this one goes out to all my lefties out there who are stuck in a "right-hand-mans" world...
LOL - I am totally cracking myself up right now
However, this one goes out to all my lefties out there who are stuck in a "right-hand-mans" world...
LOL - I am totally cracking myself up right now
Lots of stuff....
So, first and foremost - I got the nix from SCU...pretty bummed about that one. I am left with UD and a waitlist from UC....With those prospects, my guess is I'll end up forgoing law school at this point. Maybe I'll try again next year or something, but that stupid LSAT was not fun at all...
Anyway, the past few weeks have been krayzie...
2 weeks ago I was on a cruise - we stopped at 5 different places, most notably Cozumel Mexico - were the fiancée bought me a Tag Heuer F1 Watch! (That IS pimp - Superbad plug). We also went to Carlos and Charlie’s where said fiancée decided to drink Tequila -- haha 5 shots later, a blackout and a cab ride home and she was done in the room for the rest of the night!
I took way too many pictures, but here are two of them for your viewing pleasure:
The first one we are just at sea:

The second one we are in Grand Cayman:

When I get some more up I will post them.
Anyway, I was finally able to use all my filters and my 2 different lenses...But I was able to learn a valuable lesson - my zoom lens is TERRIBLE!! I took it out w/ me to Labadee (Royal Caribbean's private slice of Haiti or something) and almost every one of those pictures did not turn out well...I was pretty upset...oh well - maybe its just time to save for that $1700 one I was looking at?? LOL
Anyway, week 1 concluded with heading to Georgia for Mr.Army's wedding where I was his best man. Savannah is such a beautiful city. No open container laws as well! Haha, seriously though, all kinds of fun bars, the shops are all unique, it is a very commuter town - while you can drive, most people were out walking around, riding their bikes or in 1 of the million trolley cars.
Mr.Army's wedding was a blast though - saw a bunch of people I have not seen in a long time, met a bunch of Mr.Army's army friends, as well as Mrs.Chef's friends and family. It was over WAY too fast - but all in all, a good weekend...that is, until the trip home....
Granted Savannah "International" is nothing to awe at - with its 1, that’s right, 1 terminal. However, you would think Dulles would be a little better? I guess Columbus "International" is only 1 step above Dayton - for you west coast people, thing Orange County "International". Anyway, the plane coming to pick us up in Georgia was late because it had to turn around or something stupid. So we missed our connecting flight to Dulles (in D.C) - by the way, we were in the airport in Savannah at 8am and arrived in DC at 1:30pm. We waited in line for an hour and didn’t move 1 step. We checked next available flights to Columbus - the next day at like 8am, or 5pm. So we call the airline and pitch a fit - they tell us to catch a cab to Reagan "International" - ok, 1 hour ride, $50 less money, and we get on a flight at 8pm. There was an earlier flight at 5 - now this is a fun side story.
Side Story: We were there with one of Mrs.Chef's bridesmaids. Same flights, same everything. She was flying solo and was able to get on the 5pm flight. We got on the 8pm flight. Well, we decide 'what the hell', lets try to get on standby for the 5pm flight...WE DID!! 2 people had not yet checked in, were golden...and so excited - cause, by the way, we were supposed to be home at 2pm....So the flight rep. gave the task of giving us the new tickets to the newbie...This guy was hired probably 15 minutes earlier AND had never worked a computer his in effing life!! He took SO long, that the other 2 people showed up....WHAT THE ?@#$@#$#@
Back to the regular story...Finally we were able to get home AFTER a tornado ripped through Ohio....ahh, 12am....AWESOME....
I am moving to Japan, where being like 15 seconds after arrival/departure time is considered "late"...
Anyway, the past few weeks have been krayzie...
2 weeks ago I was on a cruise - we stopped at 5 different places, most notably Cozumel Mexico - were the fiancée bought me a Tag Heuer F1 Watch! (That IS pimp - Superbad plug). We also went to Carlos and Charlie’s where said fiancée decided to drink Tequila -- haha 5 shots later, a blackout and a cab ride home and she was done in the room for the rest of the night!
I took way too many pictures, but here are two of them for your viewing pleasure:
The first one we are just at sea:
The second one we are in Grand Cayman:
When I get some more up I will post them.
Anyway, I was finally able to use all my filters and my 2 different lenses...But I was able to learn a valuable lesson - my zoom lens is TERRIBLE!! I took it out w/ me to Labadee (Royal Caribbean's private slice of Haiti or something) and almost every one of those pictures did not turn out well...I was pretty upset...oh well - maybe its just time to save for that $1700 one I was looking at?? LOL
Anyway, week 1 concluded with heading to Georgia for Mr.Army's wedding where I was his best man. Savannah is such a beautiful city. No open container laws as well! Haha, seriously though, all kinds of fun bars, the shops are all unique, it is a very commuter town - while you can drive, most people were out walking around, riding their bikes or in 1 of the million trolley cars.
Mr.Army's wedding was a blast though - saw a bunch of people I have not seen in a long time, met a bunch of Mr.Army's army friends, as well as Mrs.Chef's friends and family. It was over WAY too fast - but all in all, a good weekend...that is, until the trip home....
Granted Savannah "International" is nothing to awe at - with its 1, that’s right, 1 terminal. However, you would think Dulles would be a little better? I guess Columbus "International" is only 1 step above Dayton - for you west coast people, thing Orange County "International". Anyway, the plane coming to pick us up in Georgia was late because it had to turn around or something stupid. So we missed our connecting flight to Dulles (in D.C) - by the way, we were in the airport in Savannah at 8am and arrived in DC at 1:30pm. We waited in line for an hour and didn’t move 1 step. We checked next available flights to Columbus - the next day at like 8am, or 5pm. So we call the airline and pitch a fit - they tell us to catch a cab to Reagan "International" - ok, 1 hour ride, $50 less money, and we get on a flight at 8pm. There was an earlier flight at 5 - now this is a fun side story.
Side Story: We were there with one of Mrs.Chef's bridesmaids. Same flights, same everything. She was flying solo and was able to get on the 5pm flight. We got on the 8pm flight. Well, we decide 'what the hell', lets try to get on standby for the 5pm flight...WE DID!! 2 people had not yet checked in, were golden...and so excited - cause, by the way, we were supposed to be home at 2pm....So the flight rep. gave the task of giving us the new tickets to the newbie...This guy was hired probably 15 minutes earlier AND had never worked a computer his in effing life!! He took SO long, that the other 2 people showed up....WHAT THE ?@#$@#$#@
Back to the regular story...Finally we were able to get home AFTER a tornado ripped through Ohio....ahh, 12am....AWESOME....
I am moving to Japan, where being like 15 seconds after arrival/departure time is considered "late"...
Well...once I found out about UC - I knew my fate at OSU....I got the big denial, "negative ghost rider, the pattern is full". I was so proud I put it up on the fridge....haha
Short, and to the point letter in the mail - oh well, there goes by far, the easiest and most convenient means of going to law school - with regards to money and relocation.
Still holding out on SCU - but I found out they might be doing something quite peculiar. Generally, law schools have rolling admissions - that is, first come first serve. In this case, it is first decision. That also means the sooner you get your applications in, the higher your changes are. The tuition budget is still large, and the admissions officers have a little bit more leeway in who they allow in. If someone is close to the minimum LSAT and or GPA level, if they applied soon, they have a better chance - generally. The longer one waits, the chance goes lower. Mainly because schools have offered other acceptances to other people and have given out other tuition money. Schools also have a limit on the number of people they accept - as they can predict about how many people will actually attend. Anyway, what SCU is doing is waiting for the February LSAT takers to send in their applications and putting everybody else on hold, instead of continuing the rolling admissions process.
This is just unconfirmed news from message boards and other hearsay - but, surely, it explains why some people have been "in committee" for months...
Oh well - I'll keep everyone informed of further developments...
Short, and to the point letter in the mail - oh well, there goes by far, the easiest and most convenient means of going to law school - with regards to money and relocation.
Still holding out on SCU - but I found out they might be doing something quite peculiar. Generally, law schools have rolling admissions - that is, first come first serve. In this case, it is first decision. That also means the sooner you get your applications in, the higher your changes are. The tuition budget is still large, and the admissions officers have a little bit more leeway in who they allow in. If someone is close to the minimum LSAT and or GPA level, if they applied soon, they have a better chance - generally. The longer one waits, the chance goes lower. Mainly because schools have offered other acceptances to other people and have given out other tuition money. Schools also have a limit on the number of people they accept - as they can predict about how many people will actually attend. Anyway, what SCU is doing is waiting for the February LSAT takers to send in their applications and putting everybody else on hold, instead of continuing the rolling admissions process.
This is just unconfirmed news from message boards and other hearsay - but, surely, it explains why some people have been "in committee" for months...
Oh well - I'll keep everyone informed of further developments...
UC Law
Here's a quickie...
I'm riding the pine on the waitlist at UC...haha. Got a nice little email, and then an actual letter in the mail. Short, sweet and to the point - but I should know more probably late spring about UC. Still holding out on OSU and SCU...
I'm riding the pine on the waitlist at UC...haha. Got a nice little email, and then an actual letter in the mail. Short, sweet and to the point - but I should know more probably late spring about UC. Still holding out on OSU and SCU...
UD Law
Got my first acceptance!
It was a pretty short email, seemed to be a little bit copy/paste for all the other acceptances they hand out - so I don't really have a whole bunch of information. Within the next week or so I should be getting a more informative packet in the mail from them. I'm also hoping I get some money from them - cause at about $34,000/year - not including living expenses (which is something that will need to be figured out - commute from here is like 1.5 hours each way, or live with the parents, AGAIN, and have it be like 35 minute commute each way - and never see the fiance), not including books, etc etc....Kind of a tough pill to swallow....Anyway, getting about 10,000/year would make it a little easier on the loan application...And eventually paying it all back...figure at BEST $24,000 x 3(years) = $72,000 in worst were looking at around $150,000 - this include paying my half of the bills we currently have and car payments, and blah blah blah....
I'm like that kid from the movie 21, except not nearly as smart, I don't live in Boston, I'm not going to vegas to make money, I'm not currently enrolled at freaking M.I.T, I'm not applying to Harvard Med....So actually, what I'm really trying to say is, I'm nothing like that kid from the movie 21...horrible analogy on my part...
Oh well, for now, its celebrating - I guess we can work out the finances and logistics later on!
It was a pretty short email, seemed to be a little bit copy/paste for all the other acceptances they hand out - so I don't really have a whole bunch of information. Within the next week or so I should be getting a more informative packet in the mail from them. I'm also hoping I get some money from them - cause at about $34,000/year - not including living expenses (which is something that will need to be figured out - commute from here is like 1.5 hours each way, or live with the parents, AGAIN, and have it be like 35 minute commute each way - and never see the fiance), not including books, etc etc....Kind of a tough pill to swallow....Anyway, getting about 10,000/year would make it a little easier on the loan application...And eventually paying it all back...figure at BEST $24,000 x 3(years) = $72,000 in worst were looking at around $150,000 - this include paying my half of the bills we currently have and car payments, and blah blah blah....
I'm like that kid from the movie 21, except not nearly as smart, I don't live in Boston, I'm not going to vegas to make money, I'm not currently enrolled at freaking M.I.T, I'm not applying to Harvard Med....So actually, what I'm really trying to say is, I'm nothing like that kid from the movie 21...horrible analogy on my part...
Oh well, for now, its celebrating - I guess we can work out the finances and logistics later on!
Winter Winter Winter....
Hey everyone, been a while since I posted. Life at work has been busy. For whatever reason the bank during this time of the year likes to come up with unrealistic deadlines - and I'm the one footing the 60 hour weeks. Either way - it should start to slow down, but I honestly can't say with any certainty. In the end, I get paid overtime, and while the extra cash is nice, so is eating healthy, getting to the gym, watching TV (instead of having the DVR maxed out on space), and generally enjoying laying around at night.
Oh well - I don't have any updates on law school. It's been over a month and change since I've sent in my applications...Seems like it's been longer - but it also seems like I should have heard something, at least the rejects. Haha, it's bad that I say this, but I'm banking on hard financial times for The State of California to "lower" their standards and give me a stretch of a chance to get into Santa Clara! Aw, who am I kidding? It's a private school....
So, in light of no law school news, I subsequently have no wedding plans update. We are waiting to see what happens there before we start picking dates and all that. But that doesn't stop the fiance from reading and researching. Which brings me to some of the heart of my post...COLOR!!!
For those of us in the Midwest/east everything is gray, and dead. As if the amount of snow we have had this year wasn't enough - we have to put up not even finding beauty in it. I've said this for years, it is only pretty if you're skiing in it - otherwise its a major P.I.T.A. Now that I got that out of me, I can get back to color. So the fiance and I headed over to the Franklin Park Conservatory as a potential place for wedding stuff. Oh, it was pretty - and the food...FANTASTIC....but not for a base price of $7,000 - without food or drink. Click on the food link - its a Cameron Mitchell restaurant....hahaha
Wow, I cannot stay on point - before I rant some more - here are some of the color pictures. I took many many more, but there were just a few that looked the best - I think...

Oh well - I don't have any updates on law school. It's been over a month and change since I've sent in my applications...Seems like it's been longer - but it also seems like I should have heard something, at least the rejects. Haha, it's bad that I say this, but I'm banking on hard financial times for The State of California to "lower" their standards and give me a stretch of a chance to get into Santa Clara! Aw, who am I kidding? It's a private school....
So, in light of no law school news, I subsequently have no wedding plans update. We are waiting to see what happens there before we start picking dates and all that. But that doesn't stop the fiance from reading and researching. Which brings me to some of the heart of my post...COLOR!!!
For those of us in the Midwest/east everything is gray, and dead. As if the amount of snow we have had this year wasn't enough - we have to put up not even finding beauty in it. I've said this for years, it is only pretty if you're skiing in it - otherwise its a major P.I.T.A. Now that I got that out of me, I can get back to color. So the fiance and I headed over to the Franklin Park Conservatory as a potential place for wedding stuff. Oh, it was pretty - and the food...FANTASTIC....but not for a base price of $7,000 - without food or drink. Click on the food link - its a Cameron Mitchell restaurant....hahaha
Wow, I cannot stay on point - before I rant some more - here are some of the color pictures. I took many many more, but there were just a few that looked the best - I think...
Drugs in Sports
Let me set the stage...It was 6:30am, I was riding the bike trainer in the basement because it was like 15 F outside with 4 inches of snow and an inch of ice. On the TV to help me mentally push through an experience that I can only equate to hell, figuratively, was Sports Center on ESPN. Not the best thing to watch, but certainly not the worst - I'm thinking maybe Sex and the City, or better yet, a new episode from Nip/Tuck (wow is it horrible) would "win" in the "Don't-ever-watch-me-EVER-awards".
Moving on....This particular morning there was ANOTHER story about baseball and illegal performance enhancing drugs. Of course there are drugs in baseball - there are drugs in EVERY sport. Baseball, Football, Basketball, Tennis, The Olympics, Soccer, and even my beloved Cycling. I have, just like all of you know, known about this problem for a while now. What really bothers me is when the sports casters on ESPN talk about Baseball or Football, specifically, everyone is in complete denial. Everyone is like "OMG Somebody used a drug - IT'S A LIE - IT'S A CONSPIRACY, NOT OUR PERFECT BASEBALL PLAYERS - THEY WOULD NEVER...EVER DO SOMETHING ILLEGAL"....bulls**t.
First off, there are always bad apples, in every sport. But to think that one over the other is better simply because it has the tag, "America's Pastime", does not give it carte blanche to be held to a different standard. Meanwhile, in the cycling world - one person gets busted for an illegal substance, and suddenly every news station is reporting how dirty the sport is, giving it a bad name. All the while, turning a blind eye to baseball, football, basketball, et al.
Why this is frustrating, is 3-fold. First, if a player from a "Major American Sport" gets caught - what happens? NOT A FREAKING THING, see Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa, Jose Conseco, Jason Giambi, Rafael Palmeiro for reference. However, Floyd Landis got caught - albeit controversial, and guess what - BANNED for 2 years, all titles and everything won are gone. Secondly, to even mention that a major sport has some drug issues is almost blasphemy. All that has to be done is to check the news headlines for major sport dopers, but to bring it back up is like talking about your sex life - taboo. But dear God, baseball isn't dirty - no way, don't ruin it for the children. What a freaking joke. And finally, just to compare, cycling athletes are more tested than ANY other athlete in any "Major Sport". Win a stage? Get tested. Come in the top 20? Get tested. Oh yea, get tested before AND after every stage. Random drug screenings? To take a line from, probably the most qualified politician in the world, "You Bet'cha". 5:30am screenings are not uncommon....during the off season! Now, we can test baseball players - but not a starting pitcher, or a star player, or anyone who is good.
All this, of course, is moot pending the outcome of the Baroid Bonds trial - but ultimately, I have a suspicion it won't change anything. Nay Nay, instead, what we are going to see are excuses coming from...wait for it...LEFT FIELD from the journalists, indicating he was just one bad apple...yes, I am cracking myself up.
For what my opinion is worth, I say we go one of two ways:
Moving on....This particular morning there was ANOTHER story about baseball and illegal performance enhancing drugs. Of course there are drugs in baseball - there are drugs in EVERY sport. Baseball, Football, Basketball, Tennis, The Olympics, Soccer, and even my beloved Cycling. I have, just like all of you know, known about this problem for a while now. What really bothers me is when the sports casters on ESPN talk about Baseball or Football, specifically, everyone is in complete denial. Everyone is like "OMG Somebody used a drug - IT'S A LIE - IT'S A CONSPIRACY, NOT OUR PERFECT BASEBALL PLAYERS - THEY WOULD NEVER...EVER DO SOMETHING ILLEGAL"....bulls**t.
First off, there are always bad apples, in every sport. But to think that one over the other is better simply because it has the tag, "America's Pastime", does not give it carte blanche to be held to a different standard. Meanwhile, in the cycling world - one person gets busted for an illegal substance, and suddenly every news station is reporting how dirty the sport is, giving it a bad name. All the while, turning a blind eye to baseball, football, basketball, et al.
Why this is frustrating, is 3-fold. First, if a player from a "Major American Sport" gets caught - what happens? NOT A FREAKING THING, see Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa, Jose Conseco, Jason Giambi, Rafael Palmeiro for reference. However, Floyd Landis got caught - albeit controversial, and guess what - BANNED for 2 years, all titles and everything won are gone. Secondly, to even mention that a major sport has some drug issues is almost blasphemy. All that has to be done is to check the news headlines for major sport dopers, but to bring it back up is like talking about your sex life - taboo. But dear God, baseball isn't dirty - no way, don't ruin it for the children. What a freaking joke. And finally, just to compare, cycling athletes are more tested than ANY other athlete in any "Major Sport". Win a stage? Get tested. Come in the top 20? Get tested. Oh yea, get tested before AND after every stage. Random drug screenings? To take a line from, probably the most qualified politician in the world, "You Bet'cha". 5:30am screenings are not uncommon....during the off season! Now, we can test baseball players - but not a starting pitcher, or a star player, or anyone who is good.
All this, of course, is moot pending the outcome of the Baroid Bonds trial - but ultimately, I have a suspicion it won't change anything. Nay Nay, instead, what we are going to see are excuses coming from...wait for it...LEFT FIELD from the journalists, indicating he was just one bad apple...yes, I am cracking myself up.
For what my opinion is worth, I say we go one of two ways:
- Anyone caught cheating, in any sport, banned for the rest of your life. You're playing a sport for crying out loud. You're living the dream of most people on earth. You're getting paid to entertain my fat-ass on the couch. You're having a darn fine time and life ain't bad. In light of all that, while most of us have to suffer at a 9-5 or worse, you get to have fun. So, you mess up once, and you lose all privileges, sorry.
- Let everyone cheat. The idea behind cheating in a major sport is to get an edge. In most sports being 1-2% faster, strong, smarter, quicker, etc. is the difference between making the hall of fame, and not. However, if everybody is doing it, there isn't an issue.
I got a little ambitious today...I decided to see what kind of panoramic shot I could take...without traveling to somewhere cool - or without really thinking!
A few take aways:
Anyway, something that I did do right was to keep the exposure length the same. Otherwise some of the pictures would be darker/lighter than the others. Either way, you will want to click on the picture to go to Flickr and click on "All Sizes", then "Large" at the top.
For you photoshop people - the original panoramic file was 199.3 megabytes...ouch. The scaled version (converted to jpg) was 3mb (clearly extremely scaled).
Scaled image dimensions: 6430 x 700 (px)
Original image dimensions: 19408 x 3589 (px)
Then flickr compressed it some more, so if you want the original 3mb file, I can send it...if you want the true original, send me a blank CD - LOL...
A few take aways:
- Next time I'll use a tripod. I ended up cropping out a lot because I didn't keep the camera level the whole time.
- Not make it a complete 180 - unless we all like it - haha.
- Get something more interesting...
- The Photomerge Tool in Photoshop is awesome! It took care of merging them and blending the layers and all the stuff that would have taken me 3 hours to do (anybody who went to DAAP would have done in 10 minutes)
Anyway, something that I did do right was to keep the exposure length the same. Otherwise some of the pictures would be darker/lighter than the others. Either way, you will want to click on the picture to go to Flickr and click on "All Sizes", then "Large" at the top.
For you photoshop people - the original panoramic file was 199.3 megabytes...ouch. The scaled version (converted to jpg) was 3mb (clearly extremely scaled).
Scaled image dimensions: 6430 x 700 (px)
Original image dimensions: 19408 x 3589 (px)
Then flickr compressed it some more, so if you want the original 3mb file, I can send it...if you want the true original, send me a blank CD - LOL...
Slow Sync Flash
I was messing around the other day...and consequently got extremely dizzy in the process. Anyway, my camera, and other DSLRs have this function called Slow Sync Flash. There are a few options one could perform. You can flash the bulb then open the shutter right after. You can set it to open the shutter then flash. There are also other artistic combinations - such as flashing twice. I would provide more information but as of current I don't really know a whole lot, just that it exists. I am not sure which one to use for which event - but I did find out how to use it...
Anyway, this was like my final attempt before I made myself too sick. There were many others that I took that looked terrible. After messing with the lighting inside the house, the f/stop, the shutter speed, the bulb sync mode(s), and perfecting my awesome smile, I finally came up with this:

Click on the picture to see a full size's pretty cool!
Anyway, this was like my final attempt before I made myself too sick. There were many others that I took that looked terrible. After messing with the lighting inside the house, the f/stop, the shutter speed, the bulb sync mode(s), and perfecting my awesome smile, I finally came up with this:
Click on the picture to see a full size's pretty cool!
Quick update...
So, I wasn't fortunate enough to attend CES this year....however, I was able to see some live feeds, other blogs, and news coverage over it. One thing I would like to quickly comment on - and I wish I had a picture but I don't...
So robots are the wave of the future, right? Artificial intelligence, the movie iRobot, etc etc. The biggest fear, and rightfully so I believe, is that the robots may turn on us. I write software for a living and I know first hand, sometimes the computer and the code your wrote just doesn't quite run how it should, or it has a mind of its own. A simple software issue I wrote is no where near as complex as AI or robot technology, but sometimes things happen. Anyway, during the coverage for CES there was a robot there that had no arms. Instead, it was like a triangle with very broad shoulders and the triangle shape down to its waist. I am not Mr. Industrial Designer, but I thought that design was perfect solution to the problem.
This robot served a different function - nothing of which had to do with having extremeties - so to solve that issue, they just took the arms away. No more fear that the robot would be able to attack or detain you. I'll see if I can ever find a picture again - but it was a cool solution and a cool idea.
Update - found it
So, I wasn't fortunate enough to attend CES this year....however, I was able to see some live feeds, other blogs, and news coverage over it. One thing I would like to quickly comment on - and I wish I had a picture but I don't...
So robots are the wave of the future, right? Artificial intelligence, the movie iRobot, etc etc. The biggest fear, and rightfully so I believe, is that the robots may turn on us. I write software for a living and I know first hand, sometimes the computer and the code your wrote just doesn't quite run how it should, or it has a mind of its own. A simple software issue I wrote is no where near as complex as AI or robot technology, but sometimes things happen. Anyway, during the coverage for CES there was a robot there that had no arms. Instead, it was like a triangle with very broad shoulders and the triangle shape down to its waist. I am not Mr. Industrial Designer, but I thought that design was perfect solution to the problem.
This robot served a different function - nothing of which had to do with having extremeties - so to solve that issue, they just took the arms away. No more fear that the robot would be able to attack or detain you. I'll see if I can ever find a picture again - but it was a cool solution and a cool idea.
Update - found it
What is Your Vote?
PSA Part 2...
The more I thought about what I was going to write about, the more I started to get a little nervous I might upset somebody. If I try to make this all politically correct all the time, eventually I'll end up getting bored with it...long after all of you have. In light of that - I promise, nothing I write is ever intentionally meant to hurt anyone...
While I want to generally keep this as an extended stats update with news about whats going on with me, lets face it, that is pretty boring. Like many to all of you, we wake up, go to work all day long, come home, eat dinner, (If you're like Mr. Engineer, you pour a tall one out of your kegerator - which by the way, TOTALLY jealous), watch some TV, go to bed, rinse, wash, repeat.
I won't get into politics too much, and fortunately the election is over so it should be calm for a while. I will, however, attempt to make interesting observations or flat out comment about stuff. For example, American Idol...that's probably all I really have to say. Other than the fact that Fox should get a clue and cancel it like they did prison break. Outside of the few funny, obviously horrible tryouts, it's the same thing over and over again. Nothing new, nothing special - as much as I love House, they both have started to wear out their welcome. What shows do you guys all want to see canceled?
Back on topic - many of you probably do not know that I have started the process to go to law school. Those of you hearing this for the first time, I will pause while you finish laughing. I don't have a lot of information right now, other than I have sent my law school applications into a few schools. Those would be UC, UD, OSU and Santa Clara. Santa Clara?? Ohio School, Ohio School, Ohio School, California School.....that stands out worse than a black guy at a McCain rally - damn, I said no polics.... Yea, it is in the heart of Silicon Valley and they have a GREAT Intellectual Property/Information Technology Law/Patent law program - right up my alley and exactly what I am looking for. I kind of have an idea which universities will accept me and which ones won't, but as of right now I am hopeful.
Anyway, I see Mr. Army has already done his best to make fun of me, haha - He needs to remember I will have the whole floor and the entire attention at his wedding...
Until next time head on over and watch probably the BEST series EVAR....
While I want to generally keep this as an extended stats update with news about whats going on with me, lets face it, that is pretty boring. Like many to all of you, we wake up, go to work all day long, come home, eat dinner, (If you're like Mr. Engineer, you pour a tall one out of your kegerator - which by the way, TOTALLY jealous), watch some TV, go to bed, rinse, wash, repeat.
I won't get into politics too much, and fortunately the election is over so it should be calm for a while. I will, however, attempt to make interesting observations or flat out comment about stuff. For example, American Idol...that's probably all I really have to say. Other than the fact that Fox should get a clue and cancel it like they did prison break. Outside of the few funny, obviously horrible tryouts, it's the same thing over and over again. Nothing new, nothing special - as much as I love House, they both have started to wear out their welcome. What shows do you guys all want to see canceled?
Back on topic - many of you probably do not know that I have started the process to go to law school. Those of you hearing this for the first time, I will pause while you finish laughing. I don't have a lot of information right now, other than I have sent my law school applications into a few schools. Those would be UC, UD, OSU and Santa Clara. Santa Clara?? Ohio School, Ohio School, Ohio School, California School.....that stands out worse than a black guy at a McCain rally - damn, I said no polics.... Yea, it is in the heart of Silicon Valley and they have a GREAT Intellectual Property/Information Technology Law/Patent law program - right up my alley and exactly what I am looking for. I kind of have an idea which universities will accept me and which ones won't, but as of right now I am hopeful.
Anyway, I see Mr. Army has already done his best to make fun of me, haha - He needs to remember I will have the whole floor and the entire attention at his wedding...
Until next time head on over and watch probably the BEST series EVAR....
The Ring
This has nothing to do with the not-scary movie. Instead, this has to deal with the hardware I gave to the fiancee.

Most people have not the opportunity to see it - so here is what I took, but more importantly, here is what I bought/gave. I think it is nice...haha
And a quick plug by me - I was quite happy of the quality of the photograph. I got a really nice new camera for Christmas. The camera is a Canon XSi for those interested.
Most people have not the opportunity to see it - so here is what I took, but more importantly, here is what I bought/gave. I think it is nice...haha
And a quick plug by me - I was quite happy of the quality of the photograph. I got a really nice new camera for Christmas. The camera is a Canon XSi for those interested.
Post One....Welcome Message and a PSA
Wow - so what a start this is. I am, admittedly, not the greatest writer in the world - and while that is a certain downfall which might prove difficult to continue to follow this blog, I'd like to think I can salvage it with a bit of humor.
Admittedly, I am also not that funny...So what I have working for me is a blog that has no real content, a terrible writer/publisher, and something that isn't funny...Why am I doing this? haha
Anyway, to the people who read this - purposely, this will be a little on the private side. I have only given this site out to specific people on purpose - although, beware, it is a public site that can be searched on google or whatever. If anything, this is merely a way to keep in touch with the people I care about. I feel unfortunate that we all have moved on other places - on the other hand, there is the internet - and with hoards of people getting internet on the phone and whatever else, keeping in touch can be an easier task. If/when I hang out with some of you guys I might talk about it - names will be changed, events and locations will be conveniently left out - so no need to be completely embarrassed. I will post pictures, but mostly of the stuff I take with my camera - like sunsets, cars, or things I find interesting.
I am not sure of the frequency of updates - I also cannot gaurentee correct speling or grammer; Sentence structures and prepositions and run-on-sentences and misuse of not only the semicolon but also misuse of the dash and most likely completely void of punctuation and or commas may be present. But I will NEVER forget the period
If nobody reads this on a consistent basis, I am fine with that - check back every now and again. Either way, I'd like to say hello to everyone. I will read the comments - haha, if there ever are any, so if you have something to say - by all means, rock it!
Ok - one quick edit...This is a bit of a "beta" or an experiment, if you will - but by all means, actively participate in the comments section, or by email, or text message, or whatever - more input and conversation from all of you, the better!! If any of you have your own blog or something, let me know. Mr.Industrial Designer, you seem to be the news most recently - send me links or some story or whatever and I will gladly post them up. I want everyone to have fun and enjoy this - so as of right now, nothing is out of the question (and by nothing, I really mean nothing that is illegal - haha).
Admittedly, I am also not that funny...So what I have working for me is a blog that has no real content, a terrible writer/publisher, and something that isn't funny...Why am I doing this? haha
Anyway, to the people who read this - purposely, this will be a little on the private side. I have only given this site out to specific people on purpose - although, beware, it is a public site that can be searched on google or whatever. If anything, this is merely a way to keep in touch with the people I care about. I feel unfortunate that we all have moved on other places - on the other hand, there is the internet - and with hoards of people getting internet on the phone and whatever else, keeping in touch can be an easier task. If/when I hang out with some of you guys I might talk about it - names will be changed, events and locations will be conveniently left out - so no need to be completely embarrassed. I will post pictures, but mostly of the stuff I take with my camera - like sunsets, cars, or things I find interesting.
I am not sure of the frequency of updates - I also cannot gaurentee correct speling or grammer; Sentence structures and prepositions and run-on-sentences and misuse of not only the semicolon but also misuse of the dash and most likely completely void of punctuation and or commas may be present. But I will NEVER forget the period
If nobody reads this on a consistent basis, I am fine with that - check back every now and again. Either way, I'd like to say hello to everyone. I will read the comments - haha, if there ever are any, so if you have something to say - by all means, rock it!
Ok - one quick edit...This is a bit of a "beta" or an experiment, if you will - but by all means, actively participate in the comments section, or by email, or text message, or whatever - more input and conversation from all of you, the better!! If any of you have your own blog or something, let me know. Mr.Industrial Designer, you seem to be the news most recently - send me links or some story or whatever and I will gladly post them up. I want everyone to have fun and enjoy this - so as of right now, nothing is out of the question (and by nothing, I really mean nothing that is illegal - haha).
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