
Come on California...Actually, Come on PEOPLE!

Parents of a student at Oak Meadows Elementary school in Riverside, California just taught the ENTIRE school population about "oral sex"!

Yes, they bitched and moaned about Websters Dictionary including and defining that word/phrase in the dictionary - and got it pulled from the school!! Are you crazy?!?!

LET'S PROTECT THE CHILDREN! Oh my gosh, people have lost their mind. Let's think about this rationally for a second - which, I know is difficult for most people to do, but we're going to try.

Ok, so, oral sex is in the dictionary. As it should be. It's not slang, it's not derogatory or vulgar - it literally is a sub-definition of the word sex. Sooner or later, the "kids" are going to ask all about it anyway, so why try to hide it??

Furthermore, doing some boneheaded move like these parents did - just caused all other kids and parents to hear about the issue - and guess what? Go look it up! Kids rushed to library (right) and found the dictionaries, and then used their brains to look it up and read the definition. OMG!! THE WORLD IS COLLAPSING!!

You always hear stories that start out "back in my day..." - now we're going to have kids grow up, completely sheltered - and going to get a rude awakening...Some people and their belief in their "moral" higher grounds should shut the -- be quiet sometimes. Don't push your terrible, illogical, immature and completely misguided direction and opinions on the rest of "us". I don't have kids myself, but I was using MUCH more vulgar words than freaking "oral sex" by the time I hit 3rd grade - REGARDLESS of what or if I even knew what it all meant. I turned out just fine.

Some people just need to stick to themselves, and instead of hiding information, or removing it from a specific society, educate their children - and *GASP* do a better job at parenting.


Happy 1 Year!

Haha, created this thing a year ago. I think I had about 4 comments total, and I wrote something like 30 or so messages. Most of them were pointless, some were funny, some were informational - oh well, I had fun.

I can't commit on the results of this year - if I'll write more or less, but I will say, when something interesting and/or personal comes up, I'll post it here.

For those counting, the fiancee and I have officially 100 days until we are married! And like 98 days until we are relaxing in Mexico! And that is, actually, very exciting!

Anyway, I wanted to give a heads up to everyone, the fiancee and I have started our own little side project.

kredesign.com. It isn't very pretty, and we're still working on details - but I have set up another blog for it - for things that relate specifically to the side projects. So, what does that really mean? Well, the big one is there won't be any political discussions! There really won't be anything that doesn't relate to photography or fashion. As of now, my first project is called project 365. It is a 1 photo a day I take. Sometimes it's something cool, other times it's just me messing around.

Either way, you can view that at http://blog.kredesign.com/

I keep asking the fiancee to contribute - but I guess she is too busy! LOL

Anyway, I hope you guys had fun - or at least formed some new opinions about me throughout this last year - but I also hope you enjoy kredesign as well. Who knows, maybe one day we will open our own business, creating fashion, doing wedding photography, nature photography, senior pictures, baby pictures, engagement pictures - really, the possibilities are endless, just maybe not my talent!


I Can't Believe I'm Writing This Again

First off...


Karl Rove - you hypocritical asshole...go tell President Bush what to do next...

In case you all have missed it - Karl Rove got his second, SECOND divorce! Now, why does this matter at all? Well, ultimately, it doesn't. I really could not care any less about politicians - all of them - but I do feel the need to call out a d-bag when I see one (and for the record, yes, sometimes I am a d-bag). Nonetheless, his second divorce (and the first one for that matter) is hilarious because he is one of the BIGGEST supporters of what Washington (and Christians) call a "Traditional Marriage".

And by "Traditional Marriage", I really mean gay marriage. Yup, were going there again. So, were going to pass laws that say gay marriage is illegal, because it isn't traditional, however, were going to allow divorce...Hmmmm....

I seriously hope people realize how messed up this really is!?!?! You can't get all moral on us and enforce your morals, if you don't even stick to them. Let's face it, traditionally marriage was and is supposed to last "until death do us part", remember that in the vows? I'm not even married yet and I know this. Well, guess what all you divorcees out there (and yea, I'm talking to you Mr. Rove) - you don't even have a traditional marriage. Sure, divorce now days is common place, and we get it - but stop trying to preach to us it's still traditional, because, it isn't - especially if you're going to pull the religion card, hypocrite.

Seriously, He's willing to limit other people's marriage choices on his moral grounds, but not their own. That's the very permissive, untraditional and un-Christian law that Rove just exploited in order to obtain his divorce.

Sanctity of marriage, huh - good one Karl! Maybe it really is the sanctity of divorce...


Same-Sex Marriage

Who cares, right? Who cares what other people do in their own time? Private life is just that - PRIVATE!

Look, I understand the church, and most religions declare homosexuality, and by extension, same-sex marriages to be a sin. And strictly from that standpoint, and ONLY that standpoint does this whole same-sex marriage thing have any weight.

HOWEVER, we are talking about a federal/state recognition of the "institution" of marriage. Let's face it, I can go to the courthouse right now, finding any woman on the street who is willing, able, and for that matter, wants to and get married. End of discussion. We are now married. It's going to cost us for the marriage license, and then subsequently a few lawyers to annul it or to finalize the divorce. No where in the process does it involve any religious intervention. There was no priest present, no pastor, no cardinal, no pope - just someone who was granted the power by the state government to legally wed. Marriage in this country is only recognized by the state and government as a legal thing. Notice, again, no mention what-so-ever of religious undertones.

Our country was not founded or based at all on any specific religion, or any religion at all. If you remember, the whole reason we took off and left was BECAUSE of the religion and government. So why does religion have any influence in our laws?? Especially the ones that do not harm anyone? If a man wants to marry another man, and again, I get it, religion says it is a sin, and other people might find it weird or gross or whatever, it does not affect you - or me for that matter! It doesn't affect you, it doesn't influence you (be honest, your view/opinion of "them" is already made up - being married, or not married, doesn't change ANYTHING). What are people so scared of? The legality of 2 men or 2 women marrying each other isn't going to instantly turn straight people gay and gay people straight....in the end, as I've been saying throughout this entire post, it's just a matter of LEGALITY...and taxes!

If you're going to hate or judge someone for their own choices, well...hmmmmmm...HOWEVER, marriage in this country is a legal issue - not a religious issues...so seriously people - let the fighting over a legal issue go. And seriously, read the constitution, read what the founding fathers believed and where this country should go. For what it's worth, many of them held their beliefs in deism and Free masonry. Remember separation of church and state?!?! It's that little thing that says the church should stay out of the affairs of government, and rightly so. It also says government should stay out of the affairs of church, and rightly so!


And This is What is Wrong...

With the American work force...or American way of thinking...

For whatever reason, work 50+ hour work weeks is standard practice here in the good ol America. Unfortunately, it has most people stressed beyond belief, far too overweight, unhappy in nearly all aspects of their life, and generally, couldn't care less about anything.

But here is the kicker - sick people at work. The same assholes who "pride" themselves in working way too fucking much, are the same douche bags who come into the office and get EVERYONE else sick. Which all the news stories of H1N1 this and flu season that, why do they feel the need to come into work?

I have the "added" pleasure of being in 1 room with about 25 or so odd people, sitting elbow to elbow (makes you want to work here, right?). So then, roughly 1/4 of the room is sick...25%!! I cannot overemphasize that enough! Regardless, the same people who come in here on their weekends because they feel the need to work "extra" hard, are the same ones in here trying to be a fucking hero and work through their "illness"...

Someone asked "If you get the whole team sick, it won't make the project more successful and, in turn, will make the team less efficient". The response you ask? "Oh, I'll be OK".

Seriously, if you're going to drag us all into a room with absolutely ZERO privacy, with ZERO opportunity to just relax and get away from it all, with ZERO chance of enjoying the work environment, the LEAST you can do is keep your sick self home!

I would GLADLY work from home, but again, the "powers that be" didn't provide me with a work laptop, so for me to get my stuff done, that's right - I gotta sit in this cesspool of germs, while the sick people hack, sneeze, click their throats, force open their clogged nose (with no tissue, of course) right in my face, in the stale air that WE ALL BREATHE....

Oh yea, the hand sanitizer, Kleenexes, and disinfectant wipes - yea, NONE of those are being used by the sick people....figures



Obama had nothing to do with the Olympics and the CITY OF CHICAGO NOT GETTING THE BID!!!


Well, Duh is My Response


Take a quick gander at that article. The Reader's Digest version: An overwhelming majority of employees are looking to do something different.

I personally know around 10 friends who are in this EXACT same boat. We've stuck it out (and will continue to do so) at our current positions, but that isn't going to last forever. I, personally, am not actively searching - for the time being, I am ok where I am working. That doesn't mean anything.

There have been too many, what I will call, "eye-awakening-moments" in the past few years, that my friends and I have noticed. Usually, quiet, on our own moments - but something that just adds to the list of ever growing "grievances" in this American work-way-of-life. I've heard too many stories from friends who ALL.....ALL have the same experiences and feel the same way.

Some of the older crowd who reads this may think, it's just a Gen X/Y/Z (whatever) thing. NOT TRUE! Company loyalty means nothing anymore. My parents generation is a different story, however, that isn't always true - and for that matter, it shouldn't be true. Let's face it, unless you are given the money you think you deserve, work 35 hours a week with no specified mandatory work times, get all benefits paid, and haven't seen your 401K turn into a 201 or 101K (which, is probably nobody, lol) - nobody in this economy is or should be loyal to anyone. Period.

What is interesting, or what will be interesting, is to see what happens as a result of articles like this coming out. What will employers do, if anything, to make this change? Furthermore, what will employees do to make this survey come to fruition? If nothing changes on either side - well, then I can see that we ALL are going to be in for a very long few years - economically, socially, healthy....

Here's to new beginnings!